What indication will my On landing at...(place) at...hours altimeter give on landing with your sub-scale being set to at...(place) at...hours?

What indication will my On landing at...(place) at...hours altimeter give on landing with your sub-scale being set to at...(place) at...hours?
Transport: QNE

Универсальный русско-английский словарь. . 2011.

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Смотреть что такое "What indication will my On landing at...(place) at...hours altimeter give on landing with your sub-scale being set to at...(place) at...hours?" в других словарях:

  • QNE — Quick n Easy (Governmental » Military) Quick n Easy (Governmental » US Government) Quick n Easy (Governmental » NASA) * What indication will my On landing at...(place) at...hours altimeter give on landing with your sub scale being set to… …   Abbreviations dictionary

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